Bridal Beauty Timeline: 12 Months to the Wedding Body You Want

"Don't wait till your wedding day to get in shape! Take 12 months for fitness.iStockphoto/ThinkstockIf you're anything

Do You Have to Pay to See the Best People on Hinge? We Investigated

Source: Good Faces | Unsplash I knew it wouldn’t be long before I made it onto dating app TikTok, but it’s actually pro

Where to Take Your Girlfriends to Wine Country Beyond Napa

It’s always the right time to whisk your girlfriends away for a gals trip and what could be better than one centered aro

5 Benefits of Orgasms We All Need RN, According to Experts

So you know having an orgasm is great—nay, blissful. No matter what type of orgasm you prefer (there are multiple, FYI),

Why You Run Faster In the Fall

Theres a lot to love about fall-the opportunity to pull out your cozy sweaters and cute boots, apple picking, the resurg

How to Make a Cheap and Easy Winter Travel Tincture

Prepare for winter travel! Learn to make homemade tinctures. Image by Jill Robinson. Learning how to make a winter trave

Diamonds Are a Wine’s Best Friend

"Are these tiny crystals known as 'wine diamonds' the sign of a good or bad wine? Harmony VineyardHave you ever ended up

How to Engage Your Core While Working Out — and Why It's So Important

Take part in any fitness class — whether it be focused on cycling, HIIT, or strength training — and the instructor will

7 Natural Eye Stye Remedies to Reduce Pain and Swelling

If you’ve noticed a stye in your eye, you’re probably wondering why it’s there and how to get rid of it. Eye styes can b

6 Ways to Avoid Dating Burnout If You Feel Like You’ve Swiped on Everyone...

Source: cottonbro | Pexels We’ve all felt burnout at work—especially in these days of Zoom—but dating burnout is just a