Should You Use a Sauna Before or After Your Workout?

Regardless of your fitness experience level, you probably have some agenda of tasks you have to complete before and afte

Try These 6 Plank Exercises for a Stronger Core

Wondering, "are planks good for abs?" Try these variations and find out. These six plank exercises build strong core mus

The Best Yoga Poses to Improve Back Flexibility

Ever look at those super-bendy Instagram yogis and think, nah, my body cant do that? Think again—these seven back flexib

Eco Friendly Fitness Tips

Looking to get fit outside while also helping the environment? Then youve come to the right place for environmentally-fr

5 Valuable Lessons I Learned from Following My First Strength Training Plan

I was on the verge of a total meltdown.With wet eyes, staring at a silver hex bar (a hexagon-shaped barbell that you sta

Upper-Body Walking Workout

An import from Finland (10 percent of Finns regularly Nordic walk for exercise), the poles were introduced to the United

This Woman Is Setting Out to Run 100 Marathons In 100 Days

Growing up, I hated running. I wouldnt run to a bus even if I absolutely had to catch it. In fact, I hated all sports an

Why You Have Lower-Back Pain After Cycling Class — Plus, How to Fix It

Pushing through the intensity is part of a good, sweaty cycling class. But theres a big difference between that hurts so

This Trainer-Approved Hack Will Teach You How to Position Your Feet During Hip Thrusts

When you're first attempting to perform hip thrusts as a strength-training newcomer, you might have a rough idea of how

Obé Launched New 'Workout Parties' So You Can Sweat Alongside Friends

If at the beginning of 2020, you went from having standing IRL workout dates with friends to only working out solo in fr


The Comprehensive Guide to Boxing Workouts

Few things are as cathartic and satisfying as strapping on your boxing gloves and hitting a heavy bag with all your stre