Why You Run Faster In the Fall

Theres a lot to love about fall-the opportunity to pull out your cozy sweaters and cute boots, apple picking, the resurg

What I've Learned Running Races As a Woman In 10 Different Countries

Who run the world? Beyoncé was right.In 2018, female runners outnumbered men worldwide, tipping the scale at 50.24 perce

Eco Friendly Fitness Tips

Looking to get fit outside while also helping the environment? Then youve come to the right place for environmentally-fr

How to Do Dead Bugs to Strengthen Your Core

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or desk-bound weekend warrior, core strength and stability are essential components of

Your All-Inclusive Guide to Cross-Training

To a fitness newbie, the workout world's penchant for vague terminology can be incredibly confusing. Even the way a trai

5K Walk-to-Run Training Plan

If youve never run before, that shouldnt stop you from signing up for a race. A 5K is a perfect place for beginners to s

How Fit For Us Is Aiming to Ensure Health and Wealth Equity Within Fitness

The year 2020 didn't just mark the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also a time of great social unrest stemming f

Your Guide to Exercising During Egg or Embryo Freezing

Whether you've yet to meet someone to build a family with, or you have major goals you want to accomplish before diving

The Emoji Keyboards You Need If You're Obsessed with Fitness

Emoji keyboards are like workout leggings—you can never have too many.Gymoji If you're a fitness die-hard, downloading

How to Do Jump Rope Double Unders Without Twisting an Ankle

Whether you played outside as a kid or have looked for ways to warm up at the gym, the odds that youve picked up a jump


People With Asthma, Hay Fever May Have Higher Risk of Psychiatric...

"A new study found a link between asthma and hay fever and an increase in psychiatric illness. mladenbalinovac/Getty Ima