Why Everyone Should Be Doing Calisthenics Workouts

Does "calisthenics" make you think of military basic training — or people in retro tracksuits doing push-ups during gym

Should You Start Walking Backward On the Treadmill?

Social media can be a goldmine for legit, trainer-approved fitness hacks and how-tos that help you step up your workout

Watching My Mom Become a Yoga Teacher Taught Me a New Meaning of Strength

Years ago, I was going through some version of a quarter-life crisis, and I spent the majority of my time venting my anx

Why It's Perfectly Acceptable to Walk During Your Runs

It was the night before the Lululemon Seawheeze half-marathon in Vancouver, and I was talking to the pacer I planned to

How Fit For Us Is Aiming to Ensure Health and Wealth Equity Within Fitness

The year 2020 didn't just mark the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also a time of great social unrest stemming f

Do Duck Walks Really Prevent Shin Splints? Here's What Experts Say

If youve ever dealt with shin splints, you know that they can be agonizing. And if you havent experienced this common ex

10 Strange but Effective Tips for a Better Marathon

When it comes to finishing 26.2 miles, these runners will try anything!Who Needs Bathroom Breaks? "I have been known to

7 Benefits of Circuit Training Workouts (and One Downside)

Youve probably heard the phrase "circuit training" thrown around a lot-and youve probably done a lot of circuit training

How to Do the Superman Exercise to Strengthen the Back of Your Body

Once you nail your exercise form and graduate to adding load to your bodyweight moves with dumbbells, kettlebells, or ba

This Bodyweight AMRAP Workout Is Beginner-Friendly and Targets Your Entire Body

Testing a new workout for the very first time can leave you feeling like a fish out of water. If youre in a class filled


Hollow Body Holds to Strengthen Your Core for Any Fitness Level...

Welcome to Modify This Move, the ongoing series where youll find everything you need to amend a standard exercise to mee