New Moves For Your Favorite Fitness Equipment

Kettlebells, resistance bands, and foam rollers are more versatile than you think. Try these 5 moves to make your favori

How Do You Stack Up Against the Average Running Pace and Distance?

In theory, running is one of those exercises that seems easy as pie — all you do is lace up your running shoes and hit t

Benefits of Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise — and How to Add Both to Your...

The terms aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise get thrown around by health and fitness professionals with the same fr

Upper-Body Walking Workout

An import from Finland (10 percent of Finns regularly Nordic walk for exercise), the poles were introduced to the United

Research Found the Quickest, Least Painful Way to Up Your Cardio

What are your most common reasons for missing your workout? Too busy? No money for a gym? No equipment? Too complicated?

The Intense Abs Workout You'll Barely Make It Through

If you want to shake up your core exercise routine, here's your chance: This is the ultimate intense abs workout designe

Your Guide to Exercising During Egg or Embryo Freezing

Whether you've yet to meet someone to build a family with, or you have major goals you want to accomplish before diving

Try This Monthly Workout Plan to Overhaul Your Fitness Routine

You may hear recommendations to do cardio three times a week, strength twice, and active recovery once, but keeping trac

How to Do Jump Rope Double Unders Without Twisting an Ankle

Whether you played outside as a kid or have looked for ways to warm up at the gym, the odds that youve picked up a jump

5 Ways to Get a Crazy Good Stair-Climber Workout

When it comes to standard fitness equipment you'll find in just about every gym, a stair-climber is at the top of the li


Introverted Travelers! Stay Sane Before, During, and After Your Trip

Identifying as both an introvert and a traveler can sometimes be a challenge. There are no exciting GoPro® clips highlig