This Trainer-Approved Hack Will Teach You How to Position Your Feet During Hip Thrusts

When you're first attempting to perform hip thrusts as a strength-training newcomer, you might have a rough idea of how

Yoga Poses That Loosen Up Your Traps, Neck, and Shoulders

Choose any three poses (or try all eight!) for maximum tension relief.Seated Side Bend with Neck Opener A. Begin in eas

Try These 6 Plank Exercises for a Stronger Core

Wondering, "are planks good for abs?" Try these variations and find out. These six plank exercises build strong core mus

Train for a Half-Marathon in 8 Weeks

If youre an experienced runner with 8 weeks or more to train before your race, follow this running schedule to improve y

How Olympian Bev Ramos Learned to Run Straight Through Hardships

Beverly Ramos watched footage from nearly every available marathon course on YouTube during 2020, when her hometown of S

Your Guide to Plyometrics

When plotting out a well-rounded fitness routine, you likely know to include a mix of cardio and strength-building exerc

How I Outran Paralysis to Continue Fundraising for My Son's Illness

I can't count the number of times I've been told to "watch and wait" since my son Alex was diagnosed with neurofibromato

Should You Start Walking Backward On the Treadmill?

Social media can be a goldmine for legit, trainer-approved fitness hacks and how-tos that help you step up your workout

Do Duck Walks Really Prevent Shin Splints? Here's What Experts Say

If youve ever dealt with shin splints, you know that they can be agonizing. And if you havent experienced this common ex

Research Found the Quickest, Least Painful Way to Up Your Cardio

What are your most common reasons for missing your workout? Too busy? No money for a gym? No equipment? Too complicated?


14 Homemade Snow Cone Syrup Recipes to Make with Your Kids

Snow cones make you feel like a kid again. And summer is the perfect time to recreate that magic with your own kids.When